Friday, December 28, 2007
"Professional" Video Game Reviews
I don't have a problem with his point of view. I have a problem with how he expresses it.
Takahashi, in his review, goes on to state how certain design decisions were stupid or ridiculous. He also states that he didn't bother to finish the game before writing his review.
First, in my eyes, any reviewer should speak about the work being reviewed as objectively as possible. Obviously you're not going to like everything but as a professional you should be able to avoid using words like stupid when you describe things you didn't like. Secondly, a reviewer should finish reading/watching/listening to the work in its entirety before expressing an opinion on it. When I was in elementary school, I had to read the whole book before writing a report on it. Professional reviewers should not get a pass.
When reviewers don't take the time to write a proper review it shortchanges gamers and developers. If someone is on the fence about a particular title and they look to that review for feedback it's only fair that the gamer gets a complete review of the developers' work. FYI, when I say proper I don't mean positive; if something is poor say so but be prepared to back it up.
Edit Jan 02 2008: Takahashi took a step back and admits in his blog he didn't do his best work in the original review.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Halo 3 Marble Maze
A soccer ball rolls its way around a forged foundry. The video is also available on Mus65tang file share.
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Friday, December 7, 2007
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Influence vs. Integrity - Game Publishers vs. Game Reviewers

Lyric from Strange Relationship - Prince
Stop me if you have heard this one before. Video game publisher takes prominent game magazine senior editor to task for a thoroughly unfavorable review of a high profile release. If you're thinking, "Duh you have been blogging about that Gertsmann thing all week"'d be sort of right.
Take this example from 2001 recounted in 2005 for a site once known as Gamedrool. (Links courtesy of The Wayback Machine). Gamepro publishes a negative review of a highly touted release from 3DO called Portal Runner, a spin off of the successful Army Men series, for the PS2. Ironically the game was featured on the cover of the same issue. Trip Hawkins, President of 3DO at the time, sent a scathing letter to Gamepro expressing his dissatisfaction with the review, the reviewer and the magazine and promises to pull his company's advertising. Gamepro stood behind the review and the reviewer and made it clear in no uncertain terms that they were not changing the review.
Based on this bit of history, Gertsmann's sacking for his review does not seem so far fetched. While Hawkins' letter was not the most coherent he did make a very good point. The nature of the relationship between game publishers and magazine publishers is symbiotic. It may have been Hawkins' belief that the relationship should provide for favorable reviews of 3DO games. Because of the weight placed on game reviews I would not be surprised if more publishers felt that way. Ultimately, game reviewers are bound to presenting an opinion of a game solely on its strengths or weaknesses not because the publisher's PR people showed them a really good time the other night.
Does this history mean that Gertsmann was fired for his review? No. And per human resources and privacy laws we will never know why Gertsmann was fired.
Did CNET/Gamespot handle this appropriately? I don't think so. The actions of management leading up to the exit of Gertsmann made it look like he was being let go for the review. To their credit, they are stepping up and trying to shed some light on the activity this past week. In my opinion, had they taken this action at the time of Gertsmann's exit this wouldn't have blown up as it has.
What's the big deal over this guy anyway? The big deal is this: Jeff Gertsmann was a senior editor for Gamespot and an 11 year employee before being sent packing last week. Internally at Gamespot, there were many comments about how this was not communicated to the staff. Based on how this was handled, there are folks that are very uncomfortable about who they are working for. And I am not talking about CNET. This controversy has made news in the mainstream press as well and could potentially impact the company financially. Here's how. Publishers pony up ad money to get their titles seen by as many eyeballs as possible. More eyeballs = higher premiums. If people decide to move on to other sites because they feel Gamespot reviews are biased in favor of the game publishers, that means fewer eyeballs. This could also impact Eidos and IO Interactive because this controversy combined with the manufactured quotes blunder will keep people from purchasing Kane and Lynch.
So what does this mean for us as gamers? We need to take reviews from sources of so-so reliability with a grain of salt. If you have a favorite place to read reviews that you trust then by all means continue to support that magazine/site. Especially now. We can be fairly confident that sites that do not rely on game publisher ad support are above the influence of game publishers. We can rely on sites like 2old2play for reviews because they are generally written by our peers, but even then one should be wary because PR people have been known to hire shills to generate positive press about titles either in blogs or forums.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
The Contempt of Gaming (news)
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Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Game reviewer axed for the love of money?

If you're a videogame review geek like me, you may have already heard of the messy separation of Gamespot's Former Editorial Director Jeff Gertsmann after 11 years at the company. For the uninitiated, Gerstmann was fired from Gamespot at the end of last week for undisclosed reasons. Because of a lack of information provided by CNET, Gamespot's parent company, and some kind of gag order on Gerstmann preventing him from discussing the reasons for his termination the rumor mill ran overtime this past weekend.
In what may be more than coincidence, Gerstmann's termination comes on the heels of a fairly harsh review of Eidos' Kane and Lynch:Dead Men. On the surface that's not a big deal, however shortly before the game's release all sorts of Kane and Lynch advertising appeared on banners throughout Gamespot. Eidos had made quite the investment in terms of ad dollars hyping the game. Reportedly, clicking through one of the ads brought you to Gerstmann's unfavorable review.
So now we have what appears to be sour grapes on Eidos' part. They gave Gamespot a bunch of ad money and their senior editor craps on their highly touted release. The rumor mill goes on to speculate that Gamespot in an effort to appease Eidos (as well as pocket future ad dollars from them) tried to get Gertsmann to re-evaluate his review. After correcting it for factual errors alone, he was let go because he would not change the content of his review.
After an insane amount of speculation from bloggers and former reviewers at Gamespot, a CNET press release was issued acknowledging that Jeff Gertsmann was let go and that his last review had no impact at all on his separation. That may be well and good but the original video review of Kane and Lynch:Dead Men by Gertsmann was taken down and has yet to be restored.
To add further fuel to this controversy, it appears that Eidos has been misquoting review sites when it comes to scores for this game. Quotes taken from a preview showing of the title at E3 were used to address the final product.
There are only three people that know the story to this and none of them are talking; Gertsmann, CNET and Eidos representatives. If it ever comes to light that Eidos had a hand in "massaging" the Gamespot review, it would not be looked upon favorably especially since their marketing uses quotes out of context. If it comes to pass that Gamespot terminated Gertsmann for his review, it would be most unfortunate not just for Jeff but game-related journalism as a whole. Most reviewers go out of their way to be impartial when it comes to reviews; Dean Takahashi sent back a duffel bag full of about $800 worth of Halo 3 swag to Microsoft because he didn't want to appear to be swayed by such an extravagant gift.
Here's to hoping that this remains an isolated incident and not a sign of things to come for video game journalism. What's your take?
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Major Nelson: November 2007 Xbox Backward Compat Update
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Monday, November 26, 2007
A Little Conversation - Junkie XL and Making Music for Games
Thursday, November 22, 2007
What I am thankful for
Monday, November 19, 2007
Jade Raymond: Caught In The Crossfire
From Angry Pixel:
After a tasteless comic of Jade Raymond surfaced online, it looks like the person who delivered one of this year's best games is caught in a controversy that has most gamers pointing their fingers at perverted gamers and UbiSoft. The Angry Pixel looks at the issue from Jade's perspective and how people can make stuff up just because they can.
My two cents: I'm not going to comment on the comic. Haven't seen it. Don't care to. I am going to comment on the idea that Jade Raymond is where she is because she's pretty not because she has talent. While I am sure that it doesn't hurt to have someone attractive representing your game to the media, Jade has a proven track record in game development. It bothers me because if she were a guy, gender wouldn't be an issue. It bothers me because from my own experience people tend to make assumptions based on appearances and because of that I feel like I have to work harder than anyone else. If I am the best at what I do, then no one can say that I am where I am because I am this that or the other thing. Everyone should say that I earned it.
Will There Ever Be One Console To Rule Them All?
Recently, there has been talk about the idea of a standardized game console platform -- whether this would be unified hardware specifications or development tools. The article is a discussion of the following questions:
- Do you think it's possible that the video games industry will create a standardized (development or hardware) platform in the future?
- How would independent developers not benefit in a market with a single gaming platform?
- Isn't PC gaming already the "one gaming platform" standard? Or is this analogy not quite right?
Thursday, November 15, 2007
The Cal Marching Band's Amazing 16-bit Video Game Halftime Show
They run through a number of classic game songs, all while forming scenes from the games out of the band itself. It's got everything from Pong and Tetris to Zelda and Mario...
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Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Study: 43 percent of parents don't play games with kids
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Monday, November 12, 2007
Really Red Hot Chili Pepper - ESPN College Gameday
Saturday, November 10, 2007
The Closing of EA Chicago: One Employee Speaks Out
On Tuesday, a former EA Chicago employee who wished to be kept anonymous contacted 1UP about the closing and explain his heartbreak.
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Friday, November 9, 2007
Halo 3 hosts marriage proposal
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ABC News: Subway Romeo Meets Mystery Girl
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Love on the 5 train
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Thursday, November 8, 2007
Which Would You Rather Lose, a $60 Videogame Or a Save File?
My take: This seems like a non-issue to me. I don't value game saves as much value as wedding pictures, pictures of my kids and digital video of family get togethers. When my original Xbox hard drive died I was infinitely more upset that I couldn't just replace the drive than I was that I lost my 85% complete NFL2k5 VIP save. If my 360 hard drive fails, I'll get upset for a minute and then go out and get a new drive. The idea of having my game saves stored on a server would be sweet; I wouldn't have the clutter of drives and memory cards. However I wouldn't pay for that privilege. If I had 8GB of game save data, then charging me would make sense. Most game saves I think are less than 1MB, smaller than the videos on YouTube. For something that small, the service should be free.
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Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Penny Arcade goes live with Child's Play Charity 2007
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Friday, November 2, 2007
Q&A: Tetris creator Alexey Pajitnov
The father of one of the most popular games of all time talks about his inspiration, his latest project, and how he feels about the fact that the game was originally property of the Russian state.
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Thursday, November 1, 2007
Join the Video Game Voters Network Wall of Protest, Share a Photo
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Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Library of Congress to begin cataloging video games
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Monday, October 15, 2007
Ten features should be embraced by game designers
From Business Week:
Steve Krug argues in his book Don't Make Me Think! that a good program or product should let users accomplish their intended tasks as easily and directly as possible. The less time it takes a person to complete a desired task (even if only by a few seconds), the more satisfying it becomes. When that happens, people are more likely to use a product in greater frequency and return for more. So in the spirit of improved usability, here are ten standard features every videogame designer should embrace.
The Endgame Syndrome: Why do we abandon games?
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Friday, October 12, 2007
Virtua Fighter 5 Demo available on Xbox Live
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Overwhelmed by Email? One Firm Goes Email-Free on Fridays
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Thursday, October 11, 2007
Y: The Last Man

In the course of my surfing the web while watching the triplets, I found an interesting article about Brian Vaughan, a graphic artist whose work was up for a Wired RAVE award earlier this year.
One of the books he publishes is called Y: The Last Man. It's a graphic novel about the last man on earth after a mysterious virus kills every other mammal on the the planet with a Y chromosome. Which means that the he is literally the last man on earth; only females survived the plague.
I haven't picked up a comic since Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns and Alan Moore's Watchmen, but I am going to head to my favorite comic shop and see if I can get caught up on this series.
Have you read this? What did you think of it?
Valve co-founder Gabe Newell gives his opinion on PS3
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EA Acquires BioWare, Pandemic
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Thursday, October 4, 2007
Why it makes sense for Bungie to break away from Microsoft
This is only my opinion and not based on any knowledge specific situation.
The idea of Bungie breaking away is plausible because Microsoft owns Halo, not Bungie. The company was acquired in 2000 by Microsoft to ensure the development of quality games to launch a little system called the Xbox.
If, and this is a big if, the developers at Bungie could buy their way out of their agreement with Microsoft then they would be free to develop games for other consoles.
I am sure they would come back to do Halo 4 , but I would bet that Sony would love to have them develop an A-list exclusive for them as well. Looking at the success of companies like UbiSoft and Epic has to have the folks at Bungie wondering what are they leaving on the table as far as dollars go being tied to Microsoft. This could also be a win in the short term for Microsoft because they may retain the distribution and publishing rights to select future titles for a timed period after the split.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Bungie Actually Leaving Microsoft?
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Retail reveals new Xbox 360 Arcade package

A new version of the 360 is due out later this year; it's the core version repackaged with 5 Xbox Live Arcade Titles and a memory card.
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Friday, September 28, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
MIT hacks John Harvard for Halo 3 release

Early on the morning before the Halo 3 release, John Harvard donned a Mjolnir helmet and a beaver emblem, and carried an assault rifle on his left shoulder, apparently acquired from the UNSC Engineering Division.
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Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Master Chief Targets Charity With EBay Bundle

Microsoft is taking advantage of all the Halo 3 hoopla and hoping to raise a little money for charity. The company has put a special Halo 3 bundle on eBay, worth about $2,000, with proceeds going to the Boys & Girls Club of King County. The package includes more Halo 3 stuff than you can shake a Needler at...
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Friday, September 14, 2007
Texas GameStop Manager Only Sells to Good Students
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Friday, August 31, 2007
An Uphill Battle: Chris Ferriera On Army Of Two's Gameplay and Philosophy
An excellent interview with lead designer Chris Ferriera about the themes and gameplay of EA's original IP, Army of Two.
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Special super-sized deluxe limited edition
I went to Gamestop the other day to pick up a copy of All Pro Football 2k8 and figured I'd browse and see what else was there before making that purchase.
On the shelf of Xbox games I found a Limited Edition copy of Getting Up:Contents Under Pressure for $20. It's a game I already own, but I made the snap decision to pick this up anyway.
I am a sucker for special features and limited editions. If a DVD has only the movie on it, I'm not interested. I'll wait and pay for the 4 disc special edition with a gazillion hours of extras. If a super duper special edition comes out. I will get rid of my special edition and pick up the super duper one. If a game is coming out in a limited edition, I'm going to grab that instead of the game only release.
Since games are much more expensive than DVDs, I don't have very many special editions of games. I have the special editions of Splinter Cell, Doom 3 and Jade Empire, but I am skipping the Halo 3 and Bioshock special editions. I won't have the money.
So do you have a weakness for special editions? Or could you care less?
Thursday, August 30, 2007
The Original Gaming Bug: Centipede Creator Dona Bailey
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Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Halo 3 golden
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ESRB Responds To Manhunt 2 Ratings Criticism
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Monday, August 27, 2007
Specifically, I am talking about the Call of Duty 4 Beta. Actually, not even the beta but the forums at the Call of Duty website.
After the great success of the Halo 3 beta, Inifinity Ward thought it would be a great idea to provide a similar multiplayer beta of its latest release. However the response to the beta was so great it crippled the website where people could log on.
I can understand being disappointed. I'd like a chance to play the beta too. However, if I don't get the chance, I would not flame the company with all sorts of colorful language.
Why is it that people feel like Infinity Ward owes them something? The beta wasn't pre-packaged with a title a la Crackdown. They are trying their best to give folks a chance at a gaining entry.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Microsoft's Falcon Project
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Should Microsoft be in the hardware business?
Lately though, hardware produced by Microsoft has taken a pounding in the press. The warranty for Xbox 360s has been extended to three years to address flaws in the console that were apparent to everyone else but Microsoft. As a precautionary measure, Microsoft is offering a free refit of its wireless steering wheel to address a possible overheating issue. Even the original Xbox had an issue with its power supplies, requiring replacement power cords.
These events aren't the result of a string of bad luck, they are the result of a lack of experience in the design of hardware and devices. While they can compete with Sony and Nintendo in the marketplace, both Sony and Nintendo have dozens of years of experience combined in creating devices and have not had any issues similar to what Microsoft has experienced recently.
Should Microsoft be in the hardware business? While the company has deep pockets, it can't afford any more issues with its future systems. Yes, the company needs to grow its product line but hardware may not be the best way for this company to go. We could see the Xbox division go the same direction as Sega in 2000, software developers and not console makers. Can you imagine how many units of Hal0 would be sold if it were to be made available on the PS3?
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Mom that's selling Pokemon Cards on E-Bay because her Kids snuck the cards
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Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Halo 3 IMAX Preview Event
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Halo 3: How Microsoft Labs Invented a New Science of Play
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Unreal Engine 3 games do not all look the same
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Monday, August 20, 2007
Developer claims ESRB does not take games seriously
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Friday, August 17, 2007
A Murderer Has Your Email Address
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Food for thought
ekattan, 20ld2play blog
New id Game Engine levels playing field for multi-platform game development
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Thursday, August 16, 2007
Food for thought
"Never let the actions of others determine how you live life and how you view others."
Kate Hargett
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Splitting hairs at 30 frames a second - revisited
Apparently though, it makes a difference. In a Gamespot review and a USA Today review of the game, mention was made of the frame rate. The Gamespot review did briefly touch on the frame rate saying that it was noticeable but the game was still playable. USA Today wasn't as kind calling the PS3 gameplay sluggish compared to the Xbox 360 version.
EA Sports went on the defensive in direct response to the USA Today review, saying that development time was the difference maker for the title.
If development time was the dealbreaker, should EA have held off Madden 08 for the PS3 until the same standards were met as the Xbox 360?
Show of hands...PS3?
Show of you have a PS3?
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Madden 08 'Why We're Here' TV Ad
I am not the biggest Madden fan, but damn this is a cool commercial.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Friend or Foe? EA and Ubisoft
While it isn't abnormal for companies to invest in other companies via stock purchases, it raises a lot of eyebrows when a company buys stock in a competitor. When Microsoft made an investment in Apple in the late 90's, there were lots of questions to be answered and that was for a purchase of non-voting stock.
In the last few days, it has been reported that EA now has voting rights even greater than the founders of the company. This essentially means that EA has greater influence on the activities of UbiSoft's board. Of course, they have gone on record as saying that they had no intention of nominating anyone to the board, but reserved the right to do so.
It is going to be very interesting to see how these events play out in this generation of games. If EA continues to be weak at developing its own intellectual property (IP), they have enough cash and influence on UbiSoft's board to take over.
Should UbiSoft be concerned with these developments? Analysts are saying not to worry, but if I were one of the original founders, I would start looking for a big dog to get the fox out the henhouse.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Friday, August 3, 2007
Are you ready for some football?
Patriots v. Steelers in Madden 08 for Xbox 360. This clip is a full game, running about 42 minutes long.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
ICE ICE baby
I am all for going after criminals and software pirates deserve what they get. But I have to question how much of a priority is this? How much taxpayer money are we throwing at it? Wouldn't that money be better spent on preventing identity theft or more serious computer crimes?
And by the way, if you sell modified video games systems pre-loaded with games, you don't only deserve to be caught, you deserve a dope slap because you make it more difficult for people who are not trying to take advantage of someone.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Games on Demand?
On a related note, another blogger detailed her frustration with downloading movies via Xbox Live Marketplace. Instead of waiting six hours for the film to completely download before viewing, she decide to order it from her cable provider instead.
What would it take for you to make the leap to downloading movies and games to your system of choice? Would it be price, download speed, convenience? Would you miss having the packaging for a retail release?
I'm all set for downloading games from Xbox Live Arcade. My network connection would have to be reset constantly if I were to download movies or games that are gigabytes in size. I think when the day comes where I have download speeds on the order of gigabytes then I'll look at downloading as an alternative to retail.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Healthy Competition
As a videogame fan, I am thrilled to have Take Two back in the game, even though there is no NFL license. If people feel that All Pro Football is a better game despite its lack of a NFL license, then maybe EA Sports would be forced to innovate between iterations of Madden and not basically charge $60 for a roster update.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Hey WiiJ, won't you play that song?
Mashup DJ ! (pronounced Shift-1) learned about Wiimote hacking and figured he would experiment with the Wiimote and his DJ setup. Here are a couple of videos from his website djWiij.
Scratching Demo
Get Up and Boogie
This little video clip swayed me, big time.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Xbox Mod Misadventure
A couple of years ago, my hard drive failed on my Xbox. Since it was one of the first off the line, manufactured in Nov. 2001, the warranty had long since expired.
Instead of paying to have my Xbox serviced, I wanted to try to fix it myself. I had read that you could replace the hard drive if you modified your Xbox. I figured that for the cost of the chip and hard drive, I could have an Xbox that had a bigger harddrive and did more than play games. So I ordered a chip which was easy enough and set aside a weekend to install it. I ordered a solderless modchip because I thought it would be the easiest way to go.
I thought wrong. Taking apart the Xbox was easy enough, but installing the chip was a disaster. I couldn't get the system to boot up with chip because I had it sitting on the solderless adapter incorrectly. Then I learned that if the adapter doesn't fit just so, the chip won't boot your system either. Then I figured out it didn't matter because I jacked up the motherboard and it wouldn't boot up at all.
So after some swearing at myself for being so klutzy, I broke down and bought a premodded Xbox from the same folks I bought the chip from and I bought a used one on Ebay to play on Xbox Live. It was highly recommended that I did not use a modded Xbox on Xbox Live even if the modchip was inactive. Then I learned that I didn't need a chip to begin with because there are improved softmods for Xboxes. So I paid extra for a premod for nothing.
All in all, I was happy with my premod and glad to get back on Xbox Live again. However all things being equal, I probably should have sucked it up and sent my broken box in for service to begin with.
The moral of my story, think very carefully about modding your box otherwise you could end up with a $150 paperweight. In my case I spent a couple of hundred dollars above the $100 it would have cost to have it repaired by Microsoft. If you're considering it, do lots and lots of reading. You can google a ton of information about mods.
Friday, July 20, 2007
What is a supergg2k?
GG2k is short for Giant Gram 2000, a japanese wrestling game for the Dreamcast. I am shocked that no one has turned to this game's engine for another product. The graphics were pretty good, but the presentation was off the hook, the crowd responded to action in the ring, the announcer would get more and more excited as the match went on. Check out the attached video.
Peter Moore's Last Interview as Xbox head
Of interest, to me anyway, was his response to Sony VP Peter Dille's opinions on the 360 and HD-DVD:
Based on your last console, some people feel that Microsoft isn't in things for the long haul, because the Xbox stopped after about five years. I'm sure you feel differently.
PM: I think those were Peter Dille's comments. They're welcome to their opinions, and having an opinion about something that is still years away is fine and makes good PR fodder, but we're very committed to this platform. I'll just let the numbers speak for themselves so far. I don't have to get into a swinging match with them.
The same gentleman says that HD-DVD will be dead within months. How do you feel about that?
PM: On that one, I look forward to speaking with you at CES next year. I was just looking at HD-DVD numbers over the weekend, and I think Toshiba may have an opinion about that. Of course, the fact that Sony has an economic interest in making sure that it's dead is interesting. I think his comments will be read with interest from the folks at the European Union, who will be looking at the tactics that they've been using to ensure that retailers do things their way. Again, I'll defer comment and look at what happens. I think that's kind of a preposterous statement.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Moore's Law
Obviously, EA made him an offer he couldn't refuse. Plus he's getting back into the business of making the blades instead of selling the razors. Prior to Microsoft, Moore supported Sega through its transition from console manufacturer to third party developer.
Clearly Moore's passion was a great benefit for Microsoft, but I believe that his strengths are toward leading software developers. Moore was first to admit that he didn't have a great understanding of the hardware and perhaps that gap may have been what inspired this move.
Check out this interview with Dan Hsu of Electronic Gaming Monthly, for a look back at Xbox 360's former champion.
Lost: One Hard Drive
It's funny how attached we are to technology. I have a loaner laptop that I have been using but it doesn't have the software I need to continue to work while my other laptop is in the shop. I'm in my cube trying to find things to do that don't involve going online, when I realize that everything on my to do list requires my laptop. People were able to make a living before computers weren't they?
Friday, July 13, 2007
With all due respect...
In an interview with Gamasutra, senior VP of Marketing for Sony Playstation Peter Dille was less than professional when offering his take on Microsoft's profitability with the Xbox 360.
I don't have a problem with dissenting opinions. I have a huge problem where people in leadership positions go on the record and bash their competition instead of speaking to their own strengths.
All Pro 2k8 Football
All Pro 2k8 Football lets you build your own team made up of some of the greatest players to play the game. Coming out for the PS3 and the 360, the game features online play, league support and a stat tracking for players.
I have been a fan of the 2k series going back to the Sega Dreamcast. I was devastated when EA snatched up the rights to use NFL players and properties exclusively for their products. If I wanted to play NFL football I would have to pay EA for what I thought was an inferior game.
There were rumors that 2k sports was going to try to get back in the game with another license, but EA had snatched up the Arena Football license and already had the exclusive NCAA football license.
Then there were rumors that a Legends-type game was in the works. Three years pass and then there is the announcement 2k fans were waiting for. All Pro 2k8 will be out Summer 2008.
If you're interested in more details about the game, check out this excellent piece on ESPN's Page 2 about the new game.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
And the next generation console war winner is....Epic Games?
Microsoft announced that its Games for Windows Live technology is being included in the Unreal 3 Game Engine.
Sony announced a partnership with Epic where the Unreal 3 Game Engine will be optimized for the Playstation 3.
What does this mean? The wikipedia has an excellent explanation of what a game engine is.
These developments basically mean that game developers will have an easier time developing for the 360, PC and PS3 because the Unreal 3 engine will be optimized for all three environments. This may level the playing field for those that feel one system is more difficult to develop for than another.
This also means lots and lots of cash in Epic's pockets. I would love to be at their post E3 party!
Is the Playstation 3 a victim of the Playstation 2?
Microsoft took a lot of heat for quietly discontinuing its support of the original Xbox. They seemed to think that supporting two consoles was not beneficial to their business, even though the black box had a lot of life left in it. Looking at the success of the 360 since that decision it is easier to say that they were right.
Nintendo made a similar decision with the Gamecube. Although I think that the overwhelming demand for the Wii, made discontinuing the Gamecube a no-brainer.
Sony is trying to support two systems, the Playstation 2(PS2) and the Playstation 3(PS3). Take a look at these numbers from 2003 taken from a Gamespy report on the gaming market in Japan. Sony has a huge install base for PS2 owners. It is very lucrative for them in the short term to continue support for PS2. Sony is also still strongly supporting the PS2 with titles like God of War 2.
Short term support is where Sony is short sighted. After launching the PS3, the system is still lacking killer software that make the system a must have, Resistance: Fall of Man being the exception. The recent price drop is making the console more attractive to consumers. At this point though, people are basically buying an entry-level blu-ray player and not a game system.
Should Sony have halted the support of the PS2? On one hand, if Sony had titles like God of War for the PS3 at launch people would be more excited about the system. On the other hand, they would be leaving tens of millions of dollars on the table if they completely walked away from supporting the system. If ten percent of their user base purchase a new game at $50, that is roughly 300 million dollars for the company.
What do you think? Is the Playstation 3 a victim of the Playstation 2?
Trips Ahoy

My wife and I decided in 2006 to try for a sister for my oldest daughter. Even though it was just over a year since we our first child, we went for another round of IVF because we're in our mid 30's and didn't want to wait much longer to try again.
We were not shooting for triplets. We implanted two eggs and wound up with our daughter. We figured that we were older and we wanted to improve our chances for another child, so we had the doctor implant three. And they all took.
My wife held up like a champ during the pregnancy. Between taking care of the house and a toddler while carrying three babies, I am sure she was perpetually exhausted. Eventually she was admitted to the hospital for bedrest and about a week or so after that, the triplets were born. They were premature, I think about 10 or 12 weeks, but they didn't have any serious issues. All they needed to do was eat and grow. They were about 3 pounds each at birth;at almost five months old they are probably 15 pounds each.
Please meet Aidan, Nia and Tim. You'll see them occasionally here on my blog.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Xbox 360 Recall?
Microsoft has taken steps to address hardware failures that seem to be happening at a rate higher than 3 to 5% of the customer base, extending the warranty of any Xbox 360 to three years from date of purchase and refunding monies paid for repairs of machines serviced.
I have had my Xbox 360 since launch. I won it in the "Every 10 Minutes" promotion sponsored by PepsiCo. I haven't had any issues with my machine, but I don't put a lot of hours into gaming on the box either.
What do you think would be appropriate for Microsoft? Go with their current plan or initiate an all out recall?
Marathon on XBox Live!
In between all the marketing speak I learned that game I loved on the Mac will be coming to Xbox Live.
Marathon was a first person shooter on the Macintosh. While game developers shunned the Mac in the 1990s, a startup called Bungie Software created several games for the computer.
In many ways Marathon was a precursor to Halo, the killer app for Microsoft's console. In fact, quite a few features to be released in Halo 3 have their origins in Marathon. Saving game recordings, for example, was great in Marathon but in Halo 3 it looks phenomenal.
I had better start saving up Microsoft Points!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Dad Hair Day

I do a pretty good job getting her dressed. Doing her hair is the challenging part. I don't know anything about making her hair pretty. I can't braid hair or part hair or straighten it.
I do an OK job, but it is obvious to any woman, moms especially, that daddy did her hair today.
Can anyone recommend a site for dads to help them learn how to do their daughter's hair?
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
I can hear you asking "Who?". Let me explain.
In 2002, there was a lot of hype regarding a system that would allow PC games to be played on your TV via a broadband connected online service. The system was dubbed the Phantom. The system would basically be a computer configured to play popular PC titles by automatically installing and configuring them.
This sounded like a good idea. There are hundreds of PC games available versus the few hundred available console games across the several systems available at the time.
But there was a small problem. All they had was an idea. And promises were being made left and right surrounding that idea.
In fact it took two years to get a prototype built. And even then they didn't have the licenses for the games or the technology built to deliver them.
In 2004, the former head of the Xbox team Kevin Bachus joined the company. While this provided some hope that the system would finally see the light of day, he left the company in November 2005 unable to deliver the system.
In August 2006 the company pulled the plug on the system. Although the system is no more, the lapboard (a keyboard and mouse that sits in your lap) that was introduced was manufactured and is available for order from their site.
Gamers and reporters had a field day with these events. It turns out that the CEO had a history of building companies that were unbelievably unsuccessful. Several times the system won awards for best vaporware. Across the board the company was ridiculed and derided.
Timothy Roberts resigned his post to pursue other opportunities. I can hardly wait to see what vaporware he comes out with next.
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Gamer Dad
I do manage to spend a little time everyday playing a game of some kind. I have been tinkering with Xbox Live Arcade games lately now that I have earned almost all the offline achievements for Smackdown v. Raw 2007.
I'd like to think I would be able to introduce my kids to video games at some point, but if my oldest is any indication they will be more likely into offline activities. Which is great, I am looking forward to not having to pry them away from the TV to get them to go out and play.
Question to you dads out there; how do you maintain your video game involvement while being a dad at the same time?
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
On board
The Xbox Live Arcade title Catan is based on a board game Settlers of Catan. The object of the game is be the first player to collect 10 Victory Points earned by building roads, settlements and cities. Resource cards are used for building those objects and are gained either through a dice roll, trading with other players or stealing.
Carcassonne is based on a board game of the same name. According to the Wikipedia, it is named after the town of Carcassonne in southern France. The object of this game is to place tiles representing roads, fields and city walls together to form cities where residents called followers are then placed. Once all the tiles are used the game ends. Points are tallied based on where followers are located. The person with the most points wins.
If you're looking for something family friendly (neither of these games are violent) and a change of pace from frantic action like Geometry Wars, you should give these games a look.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Splitting hairs at 30 frames a second
What does this mean to you and I? Not a whole heck of a lot. The animations in the game may be smoother on the 360, but that's about it.
However, rabid Xbox 360 fanboys will probably use this bit of trivia to taunt their PS3 counterparts. There may be some serious discussion amongst developers because this may serve as evidence that while the PS3 is a more powerful machine, the Xbox 360 is easier to develop on.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Well, duh!
After reading a preview of the game at Gamespot, I am beginning to understand why the game received an Adults Only rating.
The control scheme for the Wii controller basically has the user emulate the actions on screen; move the controller in a stabbing motion to stab someone for example. While I think as adults one should be allowed to play whatever games they choose, the reality is some un-educated parent is going to pick up this game, ignore the rating and walk in on their kids decapitating someone with a virtual garrote.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Uh-oh, AO!
Is anyone really surprised? After the Hot Coffee debacle, Doug Lowenstein and the ESA (Entertainment Software Association) took a huge amount of heat for a problem that was not their responsibility. Take Two did everything but the right thing when the code was uncovered letting the ESA take the heat.
I don't think this is a case of sour grapes. However, they did rate the original Manhunt M.
Take Two has 30 days to address the initial ranking from the ESRB. Manhunt 2 has already been banned in the UK. The company has yet to comment on its next steps.
It will very interesting to see how the company handles this issue considering the title was scheduled to be on store shelves in three weeks.
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
About Me
I started this site as a way of talking about the videogames I like to play. There are many many many other sites for reading reviews of games. What I hope makes mine stand out is that:
- These are games that I own and enjoy. Meaning that if I am taking the time to write about it, it is worth playing.
- These are games that are off the beaten path. Meaning that they aren't popular, or weren't popular in their initial release. For example, I don't expect to write about Gears of War because everyone and their grandmother has written about it. I am planning to write about Ico, a game that was very popular with people who make games but not gamers in general.
I won't commit to a schedule, mainly because my schedule offline is tied up with work and getting ready for triplets to enter my household. :) But I promise to keep writing things that will make it worth the wait.
See you soon!
Update: Yes, it's been a while. The triplets are home and healthy. Mom and Dad are appropriately sleep deprived. I am finding time to blog and play games.